This article will share what health and well being community events to expect over the next few months!
St Margarets the Queen Hub are having a wellbeing day as part of Peace festival on Friday 22nd September, 1pm at Gracefield Gardens Health Centre, SW16 (see information attached) come join the fun and enjoy free massages and activities.
Community Facilitator Simi Solomon

Health & Wellbeing Fair for the Latin Community
Streatham PCN in Collaboration with Streatham AT Medics part of Operose Health
Saturday October 7th 2023. 11am - 3pm
Streatham Library. 63, Streatham High Road, London SW16 1PN.
Come and meet many organisations who can help you with health and many other issues. Also you can ask questions about health issues and talk to local NHS staff about how support for you could be better.
12 midday - Talk on subject of Hypertension/Raised Blood Pressure - Questions and answers. 12.20-12.45 Group discussion - what can Health Services do to help you with your blood pressure?
1pm - Talk on subject of Chronic Pain. Questions and Answers.
1.20 to 1.45 - Group discussion - What can Health Services do to help you with your Chronic Pain?
2pm - Talk on subject of Diabetes. Questions and Answers.
2.20 to 2.45 - Group Discussion - What Can Health Services do to help you with your Diabetes?”
"Ven y conoce a muchas organizaciones que pueden ayudarte con la salud y muchos otros temas. También puede hacer preguntas sobre problemas de salud y hablar con el personal local del NHS sobre cómo el apoyo para usted podría ser mejor.
12 mediodía - Charla sobre el tema de la hipertensión / presión arterial elevada - Preguntas y respuestas. 12.20-12.45
Discusión grupal: ¿qué pueden hacer los servicios de salud para ayudarlo con su presión arterial?
1pm - Charla sobre el tema del dolor crónico. Preguntas y respuestas.
1.20 a 1.45 - Discusión grupal - ¿Qué pueden hacer los servicios de salud para ayudarlo con su dolor crónico?
2pm - Charla sobre el tema de la Diabetes. Preguntas y respuestas.
2.20 a 2.45 - Discusión grupal - ¿Qué pueden hacer los servicios de salud para ayudarlo con su diabetes?"

"Venha conhecer muitas organizações que podem ajudá-lo com saúde e muitas outras questões. Além disso, você pode fazer perguntas sobre questões de saúde e conversar com a equipe local do NHS sobre como o suporte para você poderia ser melhor.
12 meio-dia - Palestra sobre Hipertensão/Pressão Arterial Elevada - Perguntas e respostas. 12.20-12.45
Discussão em grupo - o que podem os Serviços de Saúde fazer para o ajudar com a sua tensão arterial?
13h - Palestra sobre Dor Crónica. Perguntas e respostas.
1.20 a 1.45 - Discussão em grupo - O que podem os Serviços de Saúde fazer para o ajudar com a sua Dor Crónica?
14h - Palestra sobre Diabetes. Perguntas e respostas.
2.20 a 2.45 - Discussão em Grupo - O que podem os Serviços de Saúde fazer para o ajudar com a seus Diabetes?"
Update from Arts4Space!

News from Clear Community Web!

Thriving Streatham Upcoming Event!
Our next Thriving Streatham Community Health and Wellbeing fair at 2-8 Gracefeild Gardens SW16 2ST between 11-4pm on the 26th October 23.
Flyers will be sent out on Monday 25th September!
Please note that it will be breast cancer awareness week from the 20th of October, so if anyone wants to join in on the #wear it pink campaign, please let me know so we can show our support on the 26th.
As ever stay safe and stay connected!