It's new years eve and we are counting down the hours to bid farewell to 2021 until then here's a summary of what our community has been up to!
This month we have been focused on outreach and connecting with community organizations in Streatham.
We are pleased to announce that in the new year we will be working on projects with the following services:
Streatham Youth and Community Trust
Back in Control Consultancy
Streatham Community Garden
Streatham Youth and Community Trust
Streatham Youth and Community Trust provides activities for children and young people from three venues in Streatham.
Conyers Road Youth Centre hosts youth club for 8 - 19-year-olds Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings at 50p.
Saturday Breakfast Club for under 12's for breakfast, help with homework, fun and games from10 am -1 pmm £2 and Tae Kwon Do every Monday and Wednesday7 pm - 8:30pm for under 18's £3.
Play sessions for children aged 6+ available at Streatham Vale Park every Tues - Friday 3:30pm -6pm & Saturday from 12pm - 4pm.
During school holidays Mon-Fri 11- 5pm is Free!
We also offer a stay and playgroup Wednesday-Frida12:30 pm - 3 pm, which is also Free!
From Wellfield Road we run a disability social group for young people aged 13 - 25 on Wednesday's 7pm - 9pm and a homework club for young carers on Tuesday and Thursdays. Transport available if needed.
Back in control Consultancy
BICC has many years of expertise in Domestic and Sexual Violence, We offer emotional and practical support, Advocacy and Training Awareness, Group Work, One to One support. Helpline, On line support, Weekly Sister Hub Brunch, One Stop Shop, Parenting Strategies, Bespoke tailored faith based support. Safeguarding practices and implementation throughout the community, leadership teams, employees and service users.
We can help give you confidence in protecting those who may be at risk in their homes, relationships, and in your organization also ensuring legal compliance
Streatham Community Garden
Offer general gardening volunteering as well as a 'Learner Plot' project where people take on a small plot in the garden for a year, and receive training in growing organic veg.
They are open 2 days a week, Wednesday and Sundays 11am-3pm.
They are closed now til mid-February and will advertise for participants to take part in the Learner Plot project in Feb to start in April.
We will let you know when the service re-opens in due course!
We currently run 1 foodbanks and 3 soup kitchens and have plans to start a new foodbank in January.
A lot of our work is documented on Instagram - and there is a copy of the flyer attached.

We cant wait to get started on our 2022 collaborative projects and thank you all you have done and continue to do for the community.
Now for news from are other partners!
Carers Hub
"Do you support someone with an illness, disability, mental health problem or addiction, that relies on that support? If so, who supports you? That is where Lambeth Carers Card can come in.
The Lambeth Carers Card is an avenue of support available to unpaid carers aged 18 +. Through this scheme, we link informal carers with information about what is going on for carers in our community. As well as contingency planning for emergencies and free digital resources. Designed to make caring a little less stressful and a lot more organized.
Check out our animation here, or sign up via
Lambeth Carers Card was at Gracefield Gardens for the Autumn Advice Fair and it was great to be out in the community.
We are keen to reach more people in Streatham organizedso if you host a local group or attend one that you think members would be interested to find out more about Carers’ Hub Lambeth or Lambeth Carers Card.
Do get in touch we’d be delighted to come along, whether that’s online or face to face.
Lambeth Carers Card is provided by Carers’ Hub Lambeth and MYsocial.
Carers’ Hub Lambeth is an independent charity that provides one-to-one meetings tailored to your needs, groups where you can meet other carers, events hosting professionals, and adhoc training courses.
If you would like to learn more about Carers’ Hub Lambeth please visit our website - or you can call us on 020 7501 8970 or email"
Ask Erwin
We are proud to be working in partnership as part of Lambeth Advanced Care Planning Consortium to provide 1:1 support to complete a Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney for Lambeth Residents.
To make a referral please contact
Contact Age UK Lambeth
0333 360 3700
The government updates on Covid have made it uncertain whether it is safe for us to interact and be sociable, which has led to some tea party’s being canceled.
However, our popular call companion service is still running.
Please see the link below if people would like to refer an older person.
So that's all for now :) feel free to email us if you have any local community projects you want to be shared or promoted via
Wishing you all a happy healthy 2022, as ever take care, stay safe and stay connected!